Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Military Operations Based on Climate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Military Operations Based on Climate - Essay Example fferent climatic changes such as high and low temperatures, drought and floods, high and damaging winds, and heavy or blowing snow have significant impacts on military operations. These may lead to increased risk to life and safety, injury, and a degrading effect on mission performance. The effects of snow are felt across a range of tasks from intelligence gathering by sensors to mobility of vehicles and personnel. At the tactical level, the climate and its extremes affect soldier and unit issues such as doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leaders, personnel, and facilities. Proper training and doctrine have At the operational level, climate and extreme weather have an effect on the design and organization of successful campaigns, theater operations, and battles. When the campaigns are launched in the environments of tropical storms, monsoon season, or extreme desert heat these are clearly affected by the expected climate. Extreme weather events can cause delays and disruptions in plans for mobility, lines of communication, point of embarkation, logistics and support. At the strategic level, climate and extreme weather affect the national and international resources. The requirements for developing new aircraft, ground vehicles and ships are also affected by the range of extreme weather conditions. The operating and maintenance costs that are tied to both climate and the frequency of extreme weather, such as heating and cooling costs, damage by tropical storms and periodic floods. There have been many examples in the past when military attack has been affected by the extreme climatic conditions. During World War II the bad weather in Europe was the worst enemy of the air operation. Bad weather is the enemy of the side that seeks to launch projects requiring good weather, or of the side possessing great assets, such as strong air forces, which depend upon good weather for effective

Monday, October 28, 2019

Whose Reality Essay Essay Example for Free

Whose Reality Essay Essay The brain is a crucible: a melting pot of intersecting ingredients that forges a reality that is de- ceptively the same, but often vastly different for each individual. That reality is a construct is a fashionable term these days; it means that we tend to see reality from a particular frame of reference. There is always a context, whether it be political, social or cultural. For those who are unable to construct a satisfactory reality, it is then that they are forced to create an alterna- tive reality, perhaps that fulfils their dreams and meets their views and values. In the words of cognitive neuropsychologist Kaspar Meyer, â€Å"what is now clear is that the brain is not a stimulus-driven robot that directly translates the outer world into a conscious experi- ence. What we’re conscious of is what the brain makes us be conscious of, and in the absence of incoming signals, bits of memories tucked away can be enough for a brain to get started with†. Reality for each individual differs according to their past experiences and memories, as well as what they choose to perceive to be true. Those with weaker frames of minds such as individuals suffering from mental disorders, or solely living under delusion tend to create alternative realities in order to escape the harsh truth. Consider the materialism of the post-war United States. Motivated by prosperity and wealth, all Americans were expected to achieve the profound ‘American Dream’, of which Arthur Miller critiques throughout his play ‘Death of a Salesman’. The play’s lead character Willy Loman struggles to face the true reality, but instead, chooses to believe he is leading the life he had always dreamt of. Willy believes himself to be the best salesman of his company, claiming he is â€Å"well liked† by all, and â€Å"vital in New England†, when in fact, his true reality proves to be quite the opposite. Willy struggles to pay his mortgage, as well as fails to support and provide for his family. Despite his favourite son Biff finding the words to call him out to be what he truly is â€Å"(a) fake†¦ (a) big phoney fake† and â€Å"a dime a dozen†, Willy remains ignorant towards the truth. Willy’s alternative reality provides him with the motivation to continue his life, despite the loss of his job and loss of respect from Biff. Alternative realities provide tem- porary relief from the harsh truth of reality, which is sometimes necessary for those who are considered mentally weak. It is often easier to support the alternative realities created by the mentally weak. Due to their mental state, disregarding what they believe to be true can carry several consequences. In ‘Death of a Salesman’, Willy’s wife Linda remains supportive throughout her husband’s delu- sion. He claims she is his â€Å"foundation (and) support†, which is simply conforming to the ex- pected role of a 1950’s housewife. Another example includes the 2010 movie directed by Mar- tin Scrosese titled ‘Shutter Island’, which clearly highlights the importance of accepting the al- ternative realities created by the mentally weak. The film’s protagonist Teddy Daniels believes himself to be a U. S marshal assigned to investigate the disappearance of a patient from Bos- tons Shutter Island mental institution. However, in true fact, Teddy is actually Andrew Laed- dis, one of the institution’s most dangerous patients they have because of his delusions and his violence towards the staff and the other patients. Andrew (or Teddy’s) delusion created an alternative reality in which he was able to escape the truth about his murderous past. In order to support his alternative reality, the staff at the institution developed a scenario in which Andrew was able to live out his delusion, therefore preventing the otherwise dangerous psychological effects of his true nature. If An- drew was in fact exposed to his true reality rather than living as his alter ego, he may have not been able to survive, hence proving the importance of supporting a mentally weak individual’s alternative reality. Alternative realities may not always be negative. In these cases, the alternative reality protects the individual from harm or negative attention due exposing their true self. Consider the death of Whitney Houston, or the even more recent Robin Williams. Despite their true reality con- sisting of depression and substance abuse, these two renowned celebrities developed and maintained an alternative reality to allow others to portray them as role models and success- ful artists. In the case of Robin Williams, his severe depression led to his suicide. As a come-dian and successful actor, Williams was perceived by the majority to be a motivated happy man. In true fact, despite working to ensure other people were laughing, he was diagnosed with severe depression, to the point where he eventually took his own life. Robin William’s al- ternative reality forced others to see him as he was not, but without the negative attention of showing who he really was. In Whitney Houston’s case, despite her perception as an iconic successful singer, her alternative reality consisted of a cocaine addiction to the point where she drowned in a hotel bathtub. Following their deaths, the public was finally made aware of who they truly were, regardless of what we had previously perceived them to be. Alternative realities such as these can be crucial to ensure happiness and satisfaction for the individual, without highlighting their true selves to the world. Those who are mentally weak tend to create alternative realities in order to avoid their true selves. Whether they are living within a delusion such as Willy Loman or suffering from a mental condition such as Andrew Laeddis, (otherwise known as Teddy), alternative realities may be beneficial for the individual, however difficult for others to accept. Due to individual differences in realities due to social, emotional, cultural and political factors, each person must construct a reality that is most suitable for their views and values, even if that results in alter- native realities being created. In the words of author Mignon McLaughlin, â€Å"a critic can only re- view the book he has read, not the one in which the author wrote†, and therefore we cannot judge an individual’s choice of reality or alternative realities without experiencing it ourselves first hand.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Racism In Animated Films Essay -- Movies Film Disney

Racism in Animated Films While Disney animated films are the ideal family movies, it is undisclosed to many that such racism is being portrayed. "Rarely do we ask about the origins and intentions of the messages we encounter through mass media; sometimes we forget that [producers] have origins or intentions at all" (Lipsitz 5). The social inequality found in such popular culture can be due to several reasons. According to David Croteau and William Hoynes in Racial Crossroads, media content can be the reflection of producers, audience preference, or society in general (Croteau and Hoynes 352). In their films or other such media, producers often reflect on personal experiences. In other words, they may "draw on their own family lives for story inspiration" (Croteau and Hoynes 352). With the majority of producers being White males, especially when films were first being made and even up to this day, films reflect how they view life. "The creators of popular cultureÂ… see themselves merely creating sig ns and symbols appropriate to their audiences and to themselves" (Lipsitz 13). Disney producers simply reflect their own views on life in some manner or the views of the majority which so happens to be the White race. The white supremacy we find in the media is not reality, nor is the portrayal of various races. For the bulk of Disney's animated films, if minorities are not the villains or those of lower class and perhaps less importance, there are none being represented in the movie at all. It is classic for the hero to be a white male whereas other characters such as evil villains are of a minority race. In the happy ever after movies where the princess in distress is rescued by the handsome strong prince or male figure... ... In so saying, it is very possible for animated films to contribute to the racism lingering still in the world today. The segregation of people is never going to end completely when film producers find it necessary to separate races instead of treating all as equals. When producers depict reality, the idea of White supremacy and race separation, I assume, will diminish greatly. Works Cited Cox, Starr. "Deconstructing the Mouse: Disney and Racism." . 19 November 2005. Croteau, David, and William Hoynes. "Social Inequality and Media Representation." Racial Crossroads. Ed. Yolanda Flores Niemann. Dubuque: Prentice Hall, 2005: 349-379. Lipsitz, George. "Popular Culture: This Ain't No Sideshow." Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press: 3-20. Maio, Kathy. "Women, Race & Culture in Disney's movies." The New Internationalist. . 19 June 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

No man has a natural right to commit aggression

The United States Constitution is a document considered almost sacred by many Who live in this country.   Liberty and freedom are often considered our greatest resources (Burns, Peltason & Cronin p10).   However, while the idea of â€Å"liberty and justice for all† stands optimistically in its citizen’s minds, the reality is much more complicated.   Questions arise such as; does freedom of speech include yelling fire in a crowded theater?   When one person’s rights infringe upon another, whose liberties take precedence?   In some cases, the question has even arisen, does â€Å"all men are created equal† really apply to all men?   What about women? In creating the United States, a fine balance has been created between the majority and the minority.   Obviously, for a functioning democracy to work, the majority vote would rule.   As Abraham Lincoln said â€Å"Unanimity is impossible; the rule of a minority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible (Rejai p70).†Ã‚   However, he also commented that the majority must be constrained â€Å"With deliberate changes of popular opinion and sentiments (Rejai p70)† in order to remain a free people. Still it was important to the founders of the United States for the importance of the individual to be retained.   The Bill of Rights, especially the first amendment, was written to remove government’s ability to limit those rights (Burns, Peltason & Cronin p11).   The authors understood that freedom of speech, the press and religion were major rights and needed extra protection from repression. Over time the government was also used to prevent individuals from impeding on the rights of other persons.   For instance, Amendment 26 in the Bill of Rights states â€Å"The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States of by any other State on account of age.†Ã‚   Upon reaching adulthood, it was determined that everyone should have their equal vote (Burns, Peltason & Cronin p 14) and no one should be able to deny an individual that right. Minority rights continue to be an issue, however, despite the passing of several amendments to protect such rights.   In some cases, this is done because it has been determined that the protection of society is more important than the rights of the individual.   The fourteenth amendment, for instance, states â€Å"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.†Ã‚   However, in many cases, laws are passed that interfere with the right of sexual predators by forcing them to declare themselves to law enforcement and/or their neighbors. In other cases, despite the goal of â€Å"liberty and justice for all† minorities continue to be discriminated against for religious or political reasons, or simply because they are minorities.   Homosexuals, for instance, continue to be denied the right to marry in the majority of states (Nava & Dawidoff pxii).   In this case, the vote of the majority continues to outweigh the minority despite the loss of civil liberties and despite that fact that this has no direct effect on the majority. On the other hand, in certain cases when the rights of the minority and the majority clash, the minority-member is given precedence, due to past injustices done to the minority as a whole.   This is the case in affirmative action, where minorities are given preference over the majority due to their past lack of status.   The practice seeks to make up for previous lack of economic and educational opportunities, often at the expense of those classes who have had them. The balance between the society and the individual, majorities and minorities is a difficult one.   In forming the Constitution, attempts were made to appease all sides and amendments were made as society’s ideas of what were important changed.   This pendulum continues to be in constant flux, with the majority or minorities occasionally taking precedence over the other as elected officials see a need.   It remains a vital process however, since the entire foundation of the United States is dependant on this equilibrium. How can we maintain the proper balance between liberty and order, between diversity and uniformity, between individual rights and collective needs?†¦The problem, then, is how to balance individual rights against collective needs, remembering always that individual freedom   and social order are necessary to each other.   ( Burns, Peltason, & Cronin p124) Bibliography Burns, J.M., Peltason, J.W., & Cronin, T.E.. (1975). Government by the People, 9th Edition.   Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:   Prentice-Hall, Inc. Nava Michael & Dawidoff, Robert.   (1994). Created Euqal:   Why Gay Rights Matter to America.   New York:   St. Martin’s Press. Rejai, M..   (1976).   Democracy: The Contemporary Theories.   New York: Atherton Press. Shein, Lori (ed).   (1998). Inequality:   Opposing Viewpoints to Social Problems.   Dan Diego, CA: Greenhaven Pres, Inc.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mughal emperor of India Essay

Jahangir (Mughal emperor of India) (1569-1627), was the fourth Mughal Emperor of India who ruled for 22 years. Jahangir was a friendly and a moderate Muslim. Jahangir loved architecture, fine arts and was very fond of paintings. Besides being a successful ruler, he was kind to his Indian subjects whether they be Hindu’s or Muslim’s. Jahangir was a ruler with many military ambitions, the foremost being to conquer the seat of the government of Timurids, the Transoxiana. Jahangir was the son of one of the most notable rulers in the Islamic history, Akbar and his wife Jodha Bai. He was brought in the best possible manner and given the best education at the new capital of India; Fatehpur-Sikri. He was taught Persian, Arabic, Hindi, History, Arithmetic, Geography and Turki by different expert teachers. The teacher who influenced Jahangir the most was Abdul Rahim Khan, a genius in every aspects of life. Under his influence, Jahangir mastered the art of composing verses. Anxious For the Throne Jahangir was given training in the civil and military department. He was placed in charge of the Kabul expedition in the year 1581, where he conducted military expeditions. Four years later he was given the rank of an Army officer with command over 12000 soldiers. At an early life he was familiar with wine and became addicted to the life. Besides being a master in different parts of life, he was very much impatient. His ambition to become the new ruler without the traditional death of his father was the reason he became annoyed with his father. When Akbar was convinced by one his favorite companions Abul fazl to make a committee of seekers who think of him as a divinely inspired person and gave him the phrase of Allah Akbar, thinking that Abul Fazl was going to be the next successor because of his close relationship with his father, Abul Fazl was murdered by the prince in the year 1602. This really depressed Akbar and he did not show his face in public for 3 days. Finally in the year 1605 a dying King Akbar unwillingly placed his turban on his Eldest son and hence Prince Salim was hailed as the new King. He was given the throne at the age of 36 and assumed the name of Nur-ud-din Muhammad Jahangir. But Jahangir soon too was disturbed by his eldest son Prince Khusrau. Soon after Prince Khusrau’s army was defeated at the hands of the imperial forces near Jallandar, the prince was faced with total humiliation. Jahangir had his own son walk in a street with the pierced bodies of his supporters. This demoralized his son so much that he could organize a revolt and was given any moral support from the people who didn’t wanted him to be the next ruler. Later Jahangir had his eyes on the Sikh ruler Guru Arjun, who had given money to Prince Khusrau. The Sikh leader was fined for this offence and tortured till he breathed his last breath. Studies show that Sikh’s suffered only when they were involved in political matter otherwise Jahangir did not mistreated with them. Jahangir was so determined to give justice, that he ordered a chain of justice made purely from gold to be hung outside the Agra fort and who ever thinks he is not given justice can ring it to draw the attention of the ruler and he may be given a fair chance to rectify his injustice. Disturbances in India later on provoked the Shah of Persia to buy the Fortress of Kandahar which had a very strategic and commercial importance as it was the reason of argument among India and Persia in the Middle Ages. After the death of Humayun, it was handed to Shah Hussain by a Persian ruler, which was later captured by Akbar but than again passed to the Persians. There were unsuccessful attempts made to capture the fort, but each and every time the Mughal’s failed. These failed attempts reduced the status of the Mughal Empire. Jahangir increases Territories and Builds Statues and Mosques Jahangir main aim now was to conquest the whole of India. He sent his second son to conquer the great fort of Chittor which was under the hands of a Hindu ruler by the name of Rana Amar Singh. The first attempt was unsuccessful in 1605, in 1608 another army was sent to conquer the fort but instead in 1615 a peace treaty was signed among the Hindu ruler and Jahangir’s second son. No one in history had managed to end a long conflict into a peace treaty and this treaty is a landmark. Jahangir ordered for two life size marbles to be placed in the Palace of Agra, one of his son and other of the Hindu Ruler. Jahangir got the Loyalty of the Mewar’s which lasted till his grandson Emperor Aurangzeb who divided the two kingdoms. One of the most notable achievements in the Jahangir regime was the successful capture of Kanga. Jahangir’s desire to seize Ahmadnagar and the two independent states of Bijapur and Golkunda were assigned to his third son Prince Khurram. The seizing of Kanga prompted the Emperor to go to the place and built mosques there. However Ahmadnagar was not conquered due to the opposition coming from a former slave who trained soldiers of Maharasthra in guerilla combat. Prince Khurram was rewarded for his partial success by been given a title of Shah Jahan meaning King of the World. Wife and Son strive For Power The most important in the first half of Jahangir’s regime was the rise of his most favorite wife Nur Jahan meaning Light of the World and his son Prince Khurram. A lady having a great amount of energy and many talents, Nur Jahan became an effective leader in Politics. Many Persian poets, architects, musicians and artists came to Agra just because of her. Shah Jahan was the next in line for his Father throne which made Nur jahan disliking him. The first step Nur Jahan took was to persuade Jahangir to make Shah Jahan return to the military which will automatically make him go away from the political affairs. Shah Jahan accepted and along with his Brother Khusrau went against rival kings in Deccan. Later hearing that Jahangir’s health was worsening, he planned on killing his brother who would become a rival in his way to the throne. In the year 1623 Shah Jahan had an open march towards Agra which prompted Nur Jahan to order find the forces of Shah Jahan and kill him. Being at a military disadvantage Shah Jahan avoided the forces and was chased around India for continuously three years and than agreeing to return to his father. Jahangir was very fond of religious dialogues. Sir Thomas of England held a dialogue with the emperor to allow Christians, Muslims and Hindus to be treated as equal and should celebrate their religious festivals. He allowed all the religions to hold their festivals without any problems. Problems between his wife and son Shah Jahan were disastrous for the Mughal Empire. Jahangir’s situation was serious after facing pressure from the Persian Empire and continued problems between his wife and son. Reign an Era of Family Strife And Notable Architecture Jahangir was famous for his architectural works. His magnificent tomb at Agra was finished in the year 1628 by his chief minister’s daughter, Nur Jahan. It was brilliant art with different styles of inlay. It features included the use of white marble and inlay as a decorative item. The quality of paintings and coins during the regime of Jahangir was the result of the Emperor’s own interest. He was a student keen in paintings and knew had the ability to tell as to who painted the eye and the eyebrow in the face and who painted the rest of the picture. Towards the end of his era, his wife Nur Jahan took an active role in the government affairs and she appointed her skillful brother Asaf Khan to be a chief in the kingdom. Later both Brother and sister decided to attack the powerful afghan by birth name Mahabat Khan. When Mahabat khan realized the delicate situation, with the help of 5000 troops, he marched towards the bank of river Jhelum. As Jahangir and Nur Jahan were traveling to Kabul, the emperor was taken prisoner the Afghan. Jahangir managed to escape with the help of her clever wife, Nur Jahan. Later Shah Jahan joined forces with Mahabat Khan to become more powerful than ever. The emperor turned towards Kashmir, where he found comfort and made regular journeys there. There he found natural paradise, which he along with his court had tried to make an artificial one. The Mughal gardens in Srinagar are one of the results of his interest. Shalimar garden in Lahore, Pakistan was also a beautiful place with carved pillars, pools which can be reached only by stepping stones. Jahangir died in October of 1927 at the bottom of the Kashmir Hills; Nur Jahan was betrayed by her brother Asaf Khan who joined Shah Jahan. When Shah Jahan came to know about his father’s death his rushed to Agra to claim his father’s throne. Nur Jahan was sentenced to live her life in solitude in Lahore where she died in 1645. Some historian’s think Jahangir was a changeable dictator where as the Indian authors regard him as a noble and kind ruler. Most people agree that he was an educated and a cultural man. The most notable building renovated by him is his father’s tomb in Sikandra. A great mosque is also built in Lahore under his guidance, which rivals a mosque built by his son in New Delhi. Conclusion Jahangir was a successful ruler and during his era people were very well off. Many industries flourished during his time mainly Agriculture. His main idea was to promote social justice and an administrative efficiency, and in most cases he tried to follow his father’s footstep but was less successful in putting them into effect. Jahangir was one of the most successful Emperors of the Mughal Empire. Bibliography †¢ Wheeler M Thackston, 1999 the Jahangirnama: Memoirs of Jahangir, Emperor of India, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, USA.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Agent-Assisted Publishing An interview with IPSO Books

Agent-Assisted Publishing An interview with IPSO Books Agent-Assisted Publishing: Interviewing Robert Caskie from IPSO Books We started Reedsy around a year ago, thinking mostly about independent authors and hoping to give them, through our marketplace, access to a range of talent that has so far been exclusive to traditional publishing companies.Along the way, however, many different players have come to know about Reedsy, and agencies are one of them - and a very exciting one at that. While the role of the agent is often questioned in an increasingly disintermediated industry, we personally believe agents remain a key link in the publishing chain.Because agencies  are closest to the author, and have their best interests at heart, they are not afraid of the digital â€Å"disruption†. Some, like Peters Fraser Dunlop in London even see it as an opportunity to be seized. That is what agent-assisted publishing is all about.If you’re interested in digital publishing, this interview is a must-watch. It is, as of yet, one of the most innovative and thoroughly-developed propositions we have seen for a digital imprint. As usual, unconditional lovers of the written word will find the transcript of the key moments right below. Hi Robert, thank you so much for welcoming us in Peters Fraser Dunlop offices here in London, they’re really lovely! For our readers who don’t know about PFD, can you give us a bit of background on the agency?It’s lovely to have you, Ricardo. We’re one of the longest established and biggest agencies in London at the moment, and we represent a whole range of writers. We also have literary estates, which is one of the reasons we came towards digital publishing. We own and partially own mainly crime estates, and it’s through the interest of exploiting them further that we came to form IPSO.You’re a senior agent here at PFD and you’re also COO of the company, right?That’s correct, yes. I came to join PFD 8 years ago, and brought a list at that time a list of mainly journalists and fiction authors. Over the years I increased in seniority and four years ago I was made the COO, which basically means my role is to try to manage as effi ciently as possible the different roles of the company. I try to make sure everybody is happy, working hard, and generally try to create a positive work environment where everybody achieves the best they can.I try to do that too at Reedsy. But let me dive right into why we are here: PFD is about to launch their own digital publishing (or agent-assisted publishing) imprint: IPSO books. What was your thinking behind that?At the start of the year we were looking at these estates that we represent, like Eric Ambler, Margery Allingham and John Creasy, and we were seeing quite clear passion. There were traditional print publishers who, out of a collection of maybe 20 books, liked maybe 5, which they made into print, then they made 10 as ebooks, and then there’s a lot remaining which we believe is of equal quality. And still, I think, with print publishers, the ebook is the poor cousin of the print edition†¦So we thought we would take control of this, in a very agenting sort o f way, and we would be much more proactive. So we thought: why not, essentially, â€Å"assist† these estates in creating a higher profile for content that is not being exploited, but also so this can feed into the other print editions and other editions of the book. This is where I think we might be different from a digital publisher, because what we’ll be doing here (and we will be doing this for front-list authors as well), is we promote all books written in all editions.So we will have our digital publishing, or agent-assisted publishing arm called IPSO, and we will obviously promote IPSO books, but we will also promote other books by other publishers, even in print and in foreign language. We want to promote the brand of the author rather than just the books that we have.Obviously for the price promotions, we meet directly with Amazon, iBooks. We go in and talk about what we’ve got coming up. This week for example we’ve got Eric Ambler books as  "book of the week† both on Amazon and iBooks†¦ I think that because we have dealt with them previously through White Glove, which was the agent aspect of Amazon, we now have a good relationship with the retailers. That’s really important because I think iBooks, for example, are much more editorially-led so they like to choose books that they read and like.Alright, now to close this interview, I’d like to ask a more general question on the role of the agent moving forward. How do you see it, do you think it’s still going to be mostly about selling rights, or is there going to be more coaching, advising, or even publishing and marketing?I think for us the past few years have definitely redefined that author-agent relationship and made it much more symbiotic and much more equal. From what I see with IPSO we are actively and actually investing in an author before we make any money. I think that’s a very exciting prospect, and I am confident that th is will lead perhaps to much more interesting and much more varied content.Of course, we will continue to sell to publishing houses. Most publishers - all publishers - do certain things extremely well. But I think maybe the ebook is something that publishers have shied away from a little bit and don’t quite know what to do with, so I think that for agents, helping the author with that is a good opportunity. That will still potentially lead the author to a print publisher as well, and why not, we’d be very happy with that. So I think it’s just empowering the author at an earlier stage.I definitely think so, and that’s why I find this initiative so interesting. I think you’ve shown here at PFD a tremendous capacity to innovate and be creative about publishing, and I’m really happy to have been able to interview you for our blog, Robert.What are your thoughts about agent-assisted publishing initiatives? How does the IPSO  Books proposition sound? Let us know your thoughts, or any questions for Robert, in the comments below!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Theres a puter in my car essays

There's a 'puter in my car essays Its 12:25am on a Friday night. Its very quiet and Officer Peterson (my younger brother) and I are sitting quietly in the cruiser at the Speedway after getting a cup of coffee. Peterson reaches over and flips the switch on the laptop that sits between the driver and passenger seats and the familiar sound of Windows resonates through the patrol car. The computers desktop opens and there are two icons that dont look familiar, one is for the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the other is for the Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS). Officer Peterson clicks on the NCIC icon which brings up a direct connection to the NCIC page at the FBIs website. He grins and starts chuckling as he types my name into the system, the machine pauses and then the page goes blank, the light in the patrol car dims for a second before the page is refreshed. I look at my brother and as the light returns, he points at the screen and there it is... all my information. From my address, ph one number, age, place of birth, to my social security number, drivers license number and driving record. I didnt even have time to respond when a call came over the radio, the voice of a female calls out something about a domestic disturbance and rattles off an address that I barely catch. Officer Peterson clicks on the LEADS icon on his laptop and the information of the call is displayed immediately on the system. As we pull out of the Speedway, Peterson flips on his siren and glances down, clicks on another icon on the desktop and a map pops up that shows the exact location of the call. In this paper, we will discuss the types of systems used, software and databases used, the benefits and problems of computers in patrol cars and also touch on issues of privacy that have come up due to this type of information being available. The systems used in patrol cars are called Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) which are eithe...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Complete Comparison Charts SAT vs ACT

Complete Comparison Charts SAT vs ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The SAT and the ACT are both hard pills to swallow, but one might be easier for you than the other. If you're still trying to decide which test to take, these charts will give you direct comparisons between them in terms of format, timing, and content. Then you can figure out which one sounds like the right fit for you! Part 1: Logistics First, the nuts and bolts - how many sections are there, how long does it take, and how many questions are there? Test Format SAT ACT Number of Total Sections 10 4 (5 if you take it with Writing) Types of Sections Critical Reading, Math, and Writing (plus one Experimental Section that doesn't count towards your score) English, Math, Reading, and Science (plus Writing if you take that version) Time per Section Critical Reading - two 25 minute sections, one 20 minute section Math - two 25 minute sections, one 20 minute section Writing - 25 minutes for the essay, one 25 minute section, one 10 minute section Experimental Section - 25 minutes English - 45 minutes Math - 60 minutes Reading - 35 minutes Science - 35 minutes Optional Writing - 40 minute essay Order of Sections Essay, 6 randomly ordered 25 minute sections, two 20 minute sections (Critical Reading and Math), and the 10 minute Writing section English, Math, Reading, Science, optional Writing Total Time 3 hours and 45 minutes 2 hours and 55 minutes without Writing, 3 hours and 35 minutes with Writing SAT Timing Section Time Per Question Critical Reading 54 seconds Math 67 seconds Writing 43 seconds ACT Timing Section Time Per Question English 36 seconds Math 60 seconds Reading 53 seconds Science 53 seconds Part 2: Content Next, we'll look at the meat of the tests - what skills are tested in each section, and what do you have to know? Reading SAT ACT Number of Questions 67 multiple choice 40 multiple choice Format 3 sections, each section has sentence completion questions and passage-based questions; passages may be long, short, or paired 1 section, 4 long passages (one may be a set of paired passages), 10 questions about each passage Subject Matter Passages are in an unpredictable order and may deal with a wide variety of subject matter Passages are always in the same order in terms of subject matter: Prose Fiction/Literary Narrative, Social Science, Humanities, and Natural Science Important Skills Vocabulary knowledge for sentence completion questions, skimming passages, reading comprehension, understanding confusingly worded questions Skimming passages, reading comprehension Math SAT ACT Number of Questions 44 multiple choice, 10 grid-in student response 60 multiple choice Format 3 sections 1 section Subject Matter Pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, data analysis and probability Same topics as the SAT with the addition of trigonometry, matrices, complex numbers, and conic sections (but trigonometry is the only one that comes up really frequently) Important Skills Using formulas correctly (given to you at the beginning of each math section), algebra and geometry Math stamina and speed (60 math questions in one long section!), formula memorization (no formulas are given to you on the ACT), algebra and geometry, trigonometry SAT Writing/ACT English SAT ACT Number of Questions 49 multiple choice 75 multiple choice Format 2 sections, editing individual sentences (not sentences in a passage) as well as some questions based on short passages (Improving Paragraphs questions) 1 section, questions asked alongside 5 long passages Subject Matter Punctuation, number agreement, parallel sentence structure, correct tense, diction and word choice, improving paragraph structure Same as SAT but with more questions on rearranging sentences and paragraphs in passages for the best organization of thoughts Important Skills Grammar knowledge, logical organization of ideas in smaller context Grammar knowledge, logical organization of ideas in smaller and larger context Science SAT ACT Number of Questions No science section!! 40 multiple choice Format N/A 1 section, 7 passages - 3 data representation, 3 research summaries, 1 conflicting viewpoints Subject Matter N/A Biology, Earth science, chemisty, physics, very basic math Important Skills N/A Interpreting and making predictions based on graphs and data trends, comparing scientific opinions, understanding and interpreting the design of experiments Essays SAT ACT Overall Score Impact The essay is mandatory and accounts for a third of your Writing subscore The essay is optional and will not affect your composite score in any way Timing 25 minutes at the beginning of the test 40 minutes at the end of the test Subject Matter Wide range of prompt topics, not directly related to high school experiences All prompts usually boil down to the core question of "What do you think about the way the world is changing?" What's Next? Now the million dollar question - how do you decide whether to take the SAT or the ACT? Read about whether the ACT is easier than the SAT for you. Take an SAT practice test and an ACT practice test to see if you score higher on one test than the other - this is most foolproof way to figure out which test you should take for real. Read this guide for advice on choosing test dates and then take a look at the SAT and ACT dates for the upcoming school year to start planning! Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Management Strategy and Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management Strategy and Policy - Research Paper Example The external environment can be analyzed with the aid of tools likes Porter’s Five forces. After analyzing the environment using Porter’s, effective strategies can be formulated. Also, EMAAR’s strengths, weaknesses, competition, opportunities and in particular competitive advantages, also need to be focused while coming up with strong strategies. Thus, the focus will be on strategy development in EMAAR group, starting with a background about the company, then Porter’s Five Forces analysis of its external environment, followed by the focus on its competitive advantages and finally coming up with strategies in key areas which will help it to achieve optimum competence. UAE based Emaar Properties is a Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC) focusing on property development as well as lifestyles related services. Established in 1997, it has grown to become one of the largest property developers in the whole of Middle-East Asia. (â€Å"About Emaar†). It became a PJSC in 2007, after Dubai government garnered around 32% equity stake in Emaar, by exchanging with sizable prime land. Although, its prime focus is property development, it has over 60 companies under its wings, with each company operating in different business sectors, offering varied services including in the sectors like hospitality & leisure, shopping malls, healthcare, education and financial services. (â€Å"Board of Directors†). Apart from its main operations in UAE, EMAAR has expanded geographically doing projects and offering services in many key Asian countries like Saudi Arabia, India, Syria, Pakistan, etc., African countries like Egypt, Morocco, etc., as well as United Sta tes and Canada. It has developed some of the globally well-known and prominent landmarks of UAE. The list includes Downtown Dubai, â€Å"the 500-acre mega-project, home of Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building which features the world’s first Armani Hotel Dubai and the world’s

Are the Internal E-mails The Bast Way of Communication within Research Paper

Are the Internal E-mails The Bast Way of Communication within Organization - Research Paper Example The use of internal e-mails as a communication tool in modern organizations is explored in this paper. The benefits and disadvantages of internal e-mails are critically discussed using also examples of organizations that use the specific tool of internal communication. Moreover, alternative internal communication systems are suggested, at the level that they have fewer disadvantages compared to internal e-mails. It is proved that despite their gradual replacement by other internal communication systems, internal e-mails are still used for internal communication purposes by firms in various industries; the limited risks related to the use of these internal communication tools, as analyzed below, seem to be the key reason for their expansion in organizations globally. 2. Internal e-mails in modern organizations 2.1 Benefits of internal e-mails Internal e-mails have been extensively used in modern organizations for supporting internal communication. The role of internal e-mails as a too l of internal communication can be made clear only if the context of internal communication is explained. ... A similar issue is highlighted in the study of Griffin and Moorhead (2011). According to the above researchers, employees in all organizations are likely to prefer systems of internal communication that are easy to be managed; internal e-mail is considered as a favorite tool of communication for most employees since their guidelines in terms of use are quite simple even for employees who do not have experience in IT systems (Griffin and Moorhead 2011). Another important benefit of internal e-mails has been the following one: internal e-mails, as also e-mails in general, can be used for exchanging files of various formats (Kline 2011). The specific feature of internal e-mails is particularly important, especially in large firms. Saving time and money has been also used as reasons for supporting the use of e-mails as internal communication tools (Kline 2011). More specifically, through the e-mail employees can send or accept documents that are critical in certain organizational tasks; if another means was used for developing this activity, then the cost would be significant, especially if a courier service would be used instead of fax (Kline 2011). Moreover, using the e-mail an employee need not exit from his office for retrieving documents or information required in the tasks assigned to him; he can use the internal e-mail for communicating with a colleague in regard to this material (Kline 2011). In this way, time is saved for working on the organizational tasks, a fact that increases employee performance.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assignment 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

3 - Assignment Example ossessed, populated, containing multiunit accommodations like flats or apartments, having elevated mobility rate of residents and containing families with family issues such as separations or divorces or having single parents. Such communities are not only disorganized, but also play a role in increased causation of crime. Parents in such communities are usually poor and are unable to socialize their children against crime. They wait for the time when they get a chance to change their community. The people of such communities do not work towards welfare of community as they are over burdened with their own family issues (McNeeley, 2014). The inner city areas are largely inhabited by minorities that are usually discriminated and poor form socially disorganized communities. The increase in such communities is because of reduced employment opportunities, reduced wages, migration of people and governmental policies with lacking social services to the poor. The social disorganization theories cannot only explain the occurrence of street violence in todays inner-city communities, but also offer ways to organize such communities. The delinquent activities such as street violence can be deterred by attending to the root causes of crime by analyzing the theories and reading the behavior of criminals in the light of their placement in socially disorganized setups (McNeeley, 2014). The behavior of Silvio and Armando is explainable in the light of social disorganization theory. Ariella, their mother, a single parent got homeless with her children after which, she got into a community of homeless people. As described by the social disorganization theory, these communities contain homeless, poor, economically deprived and people with family issues, so Ariella’s family was one among them. She tried to take care of her children by taking them to museums, concerts and restaurants, but their residing places were usually more crime affected. People in the communities where they

CHOOSE ONE CHOICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CHOOSE ONE CHOICE - Essay Example The contention of this paper is to examine Descarte’s mediation and determine if it they are a true representation of reality and whether the senses, as he claims are untrustworthy. During this mediation, he is sitting by the fire and commences by asking himself whether he can be sure he is sitting there doing what he thinks he is doing. He argues that he can be sure because his senses tell him so. He can feel his hands and the flames on them- surely, this should be sufficient proof that these things are happening? However, he questions this by comparing it to a dream. When he is dreaming, he imagines and believes things that would not make sense if he were awake. He even suggests that should he act in or feel as he does in his dreams, he would likely be assumed mad (Springett). He admits that he cannot really tell the different between being asleep and awake since the sensations are the same only one is abstract and the other concrete. He tries to differentiate between being awake and asleep; he can confirm that he is not asleep since he can feel the warmth of the fire and his eyes are wide. This would have been proof of his being awake except for the fact that he knows he has deceived himself thus previously while dreaming. Therefore, he posits that in view of the past occasions in which his senses have misled him, he would be unwise to trust them without question. In the process of eliminating the things he cannot prove, he examines the concept of a divine creator who he believes is all-good and all-powerful. Why then, he enquires, is it possible for him to be deceived if God in his ultimate power and goodness does indeed exist? He considers that it may not be God who is in charge of the universe but a cunning deceiver who tries to make sure we believe whatever we perceive to be true by confusing us (Springett). Descartes determines to defeat this being by refusing to believe anything but instead

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Oder #315536 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oder #315536 - Essay Example Marital therapy is perhaps the best haven that people in distressed marital relationships can go to so as to help in the healing of their marriages. A skilled and experienced marital therapist provides support and assistance that can help doubtful detached partners to carefully deal with their problems and start the problem-solving and healing process (Parenting and Marital Advice 2009). Marriage is a continuous struggle to â€Å"relate intimately to another human being without being controlled or taken for granted† (Guerin, Fay, Burden & Kautto 1987, 3). It can be a good-humored effort that enhances both partners and cultivates their growth, or it can be a tedious effort, wherein one or both partners are persuaded that their emotional, as well as their physical, survival is threatened (Guerin et al. 1987). The objective of this study is to review and discuss concepts of marital relationship and therapy. First, the paper will discuss the notion of marital conflict and marital therapy. Then, two of the integral concepts in the conceptualization and treatment of relational and marital conflict, namely, loss and context/attachment history, will be discussed. Finally, the paper will discuss how marital therapists could integrate the concepts of attachment and separation anxiety in their treatment plans. Marital conflict has been defined as â€Å"situations in which partners experience communication and problem-solving difficulties, find it difficult to work together, and have difficulty accepting each other’s differences† (Mead 2002, 299). It has been discovered that troubled couples interchange lesser gratifying behaviors and more unsympathetic behaviors than do non-troubled couples, and this is valid for verbal communications and for the interchange of other types of reinforcements (Shaddock 2000). It has also been discovered that troubled partners are

Case study (Implement a marketing solution) Assignment

Case study (Implement a marketing solution) - Assignment Example Answer: 1. Mail - The major advantage of the mail interview is that the respondent can respond to the questionnaire at his convenience. The major disadvantage is the low response rate. Only 20-40% of the respondents reply to mail interviews. 2. Telephone - The cost of conducting the interview is the major advantage in this type of research methods. The problem in these types of research is the response level is low even here. This is because only one call per six calls is picked up. 3. Face-to-Face - The advantage with this kind of research method is that, it is possible to know whether the responses are fake or really true. The drawback is there may be bias on the part of researchers as well as respondents. Answer: Break-even analysis is a graphical and algebraic representation of the relationships among volume of output, costs and revenues. The two types of costs are the variable and fixed costs. The sum of the fixed and variable costs at a specific volume of output becomes the total cost at that volume of output. Both the costs are compared with the sales revenue and the level of sales volume is determined. Also the analysis reveals the level of production or the value of sales where the business would make neither a profit nor a loss. Such a point at which there would be no profit or no loss is termed as the Break-even Point. Answer: This kind of strategy is believed to be a very smart strategy followed by marketers or business ow

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Oder #315536 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oder #315536 - Essay Example Marital therapy is perhaps the best haven that people in distressed marital relationships can go to so as to help in the healing of their marriages. A skilled and experienced marital therapist provides support and assistance that can help doubtful detached partners to carefully deal with their problems and start the problem-solving and healing process (Parenting and Marital Advice 2009). Marriage is a continuous struggle to â€Å"relate intimately to another human being without being controlled or taken for granted† (Guerin, Fay, Burden & Kautto 1987, 3). It can be a good-humored effort that enhances both partners and cultivates their growth, or it can be a tedious effort, wherein one or both partners are persuaded that their emotional, as well as their physical, survival is threatened (Guerin et al. 1987). The objective of this study is to review and discuss concepts of marital relationship and therapy. First, the paper will discuss the notion of marital conflict and marital therapy. Then, two of the integral concepts in the conceptualization and treatment of relational and marital conflict, namely, loss and context/attachment history, will be discussed. Finally, the paper will discuss how marital therapists could integrate the concepts of attachment and separation anxiety in their treatment plans. Marital conflict has been defined as â€Å"situations in which partners experience communication and problem-solving difficulties, find it difficult to work together, and have difficulty accepting each other’s differences† (Mead 2002, 299). It has been discovered that troubled couples interchange lesser gratifying behaviors and more unsympathetic behaviors than do non-troubled couples, and this is valid for verbal communications and for the interchange of other types of reinforcements (Shaddock 2000). It has also been discovered that troubled partners are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

MARKETING - Essay Example The consistent general theme in the advert is financial sobriety in the young generation. The most consistent features in the advert are saving, financial education, banking choices, giving to charity, financial issues and unemployment. The advert, feed the pig, is related with the leading article. The advert encourages saving among the young generation whereas the article talks about financial issues. There is no competition for this advertisement simply because the advertisement is a government initiative. The advert is for the American young adults who are subject to financial crippling and unemployment. The advert categorically asks the reader to teach about money and encourage teens and young adults to start saving from the little they have in piggy banks or financial institutions (ADWEEK Web). This is a good investment in that ADWEEK being a national magazine covering all issues including those relating to the teens it will thus provide a basic avenue for the advert to reach the young adults and guardians. In conclusion, I find this advert very positive to the financial aspects of the young people and the entire economy. The government initiative has placed this advertisement in the right place and therefore a worthwhile endeavor. ADWEEK â€Å"CBS’. â€Å"Moonves Eyes $4 Million Super Bowl Spot Bullish network boss sees record rates for NFL gem† Web, 16 February 2012.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pacific Northwest History Essay Example for Free

Pacific Northwest History Essay This paper will present, and ultimately prove that the Pacific Northwest of the United States has undergone economic, racial, environmental, and political changes due to events such as World War II, the emigration of people from the Midwestern U. S. , etc. The Pacific Northwest of the United States has for generations been a land that provided the substances that the rest of the country needed in order to survive and thrive. From the times of the earliest explorers to the region, throughout the 1800s, the economy of this region relied on the production of raw materials and natural products, such as lumber, produce, fresh fish, and the like, leading experts on the area to refer to the Northwest as â€Å"the hinterland† of the U. S. (Schwantes). This economic model changed drastically with the outbreak of World War II, which led to the Northwest becoming a center of aircraft production, shipbuilding, and other industries related to the war effort, but different from the traditional products that came from the region. Forces at work in the Region to Cause or Fuel a Changing Economy Having the luxury of viewing the history of the Pacific Northwest in retrospect over the past century or so, speaking in general terms, there were several major forces at work which ultimately caused, or fueled a changing economy. While these forces are explained in greater detail in subsequent sections of this paper, they warrant identification and a brief explanation at this point to set the stage for the research that follows. In no particular order, the forces that facilitated the changing economy of the Pacific Northwest are as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL- The eventual industrial development of the Northwest changed the environment, depleting many natural resources, such as the timber, precious metals, and fish that helped the people of the Northwest to provide for them and export these natural products worldwide. However, once these resources were exhausted, the region was forced to turn to manufacturing of durable goods to sustain themselves, such as the many products the region turned out in support of the campaigns of World War II. ETHNIC- Events that transpired during the World War II area changed the racial composition of the Pacific Northwest, with its effects being felt even today. To be more specific, when the United States was forced into World War II as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the fighting was focused mostly on the Pacific Ocean area, which made the Northwest highly important logistically for the American troops, and launched a massive war industry, including aircrafts, ships, and soldier supplies. What this industrialization did for the region was to draw people from the rural areas to live in cities, making the region more urban than rural, and likewise attracting minorities from other parts of the nation, changing the ethnic composition of the region as a whole. Additionally, the movement of Americans from the â€Å"dustbowl† of the Midwest to the lush and fertile lands of the Northwest brought new cultures, traditions and hard working people to the region. POLITICAL- Because of the move of many people from a rural to an urban environment, and the increased presence of minorities and the Americans who came from the Midwest, the attitudes and value systems of the region changed, as reflected in voting patterns and political attitudes which now focused on urban issues such as poverty, crime, and social programs, whereas the previous rural way of life focused more on environmental concerns and the like. ECONOMIC- The proliferation of industry in the Pacific Northwest, beginning in the era of World War II, changed the economy from a natural/agricultural one to a largely industrial one. These changes were not all generated from within; rather, they often took place as a result of forces beyond the Northwest. Those forces are identified and discussed in the next portion of the research.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Powerful Parallels and Deep Divides: Pluralism in The Poem of the Cid a

Both The Poem of the Cid and The Song of Roland were written in a time period where great new developments were occurring in Europe, but none more crucial than the beginning of the Crusades and the ethnocentric viewpoint they propagated and were propagated by (Quinn). Of great interest is the manner in which both works deal with the nature of pluralism in European history. For the sake of this essay, pluralism will be defined simply as a state of more than one. Both works, written at approximately the same time (1130-1170 for The Song of Roland and approximately 1207 for The Poem of the Cid, as per the book's forewords) have astonishing similarities and stark contrasts, which when put in context are incredibly revealing of their respective author's/culture's attitudes about economic, cultural, and religious pluralism. An often overlooked place to begin evaluating these stories lies in their depictions of economic systems. The Song of Roland depicts a system that is primarily based on the giving of tribute, namely exotic gifts and treasure; clearly shown when Blancandrin counsels Marsilla to achieve peace with Charlemagne by promising him â€Å"bears and lions and dogs, 700 hundred camels and a thousand moulted hawks† (Burgess, page 30). However, it is important to note that the concept of paying with money is not entirely absent from the novel, â€Å"you will have enough gold bezants to pay your mercenaries well† (Burgess, page 33). In The Song of Roland we see our first evidence of a plural economy. The dominant system is the giving of lavish gifts in the form of tribute to one's betters or equals like Marsile to Charlemagne; which is followed by the less important/common payment of money to one's inferiors a la Charlemagne to his mercen... ...rfully with The Poem of the Cid and its multi-cultural and relatively accepting Spanish ideal of â€Å"convivencia† (Kahf) that embraced diversity in its many forms. While both works contain strong similarities due to the proximity of their geographic and temporal origins and the struggles that were occurring there, namely the Crusades; subtle nuances and seemingly minor differences between the two works reveal two very different views on pluralism. Bibliography: Burgess, Glyn S.  The Song of Roland. London, England: Penguin, 1990. Print. Hamilton, Rita, Janet H. Perry, and Ian Michael.  The Poem of the Cid. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984. Print. Quinn, William. "The Crusades 1&2." 8 and 13 March 2012. Lecture. Quinn, William. â€Å"Cantar del mio Cid Campeador.† 3 April 2012. Lecture Kahf, â€Å"Medieval Spain, Competing Narratives.† 27 March 2012. Lecture

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gang Violence and Biker Gangs :: essays research papers

Gang violence is a major problem in our society today. Gang violence could take place in our neighborhoods and corrupt the young children easily influenced by the violent behavior as well. In the two poems, ?Leather-Jackets, Bikes and Birds? by Robert Davies and ?Street Gang? by H. Webster, the two poets write about gang related issues discussing the ill-mannered bikers who cause these problems to other around them. These poems discuss the violence, death and illegal activity in which a number of people participated in, which like reality is the problematic truth. Both poems are similar because their main intention is gang related violence issues in society today and the distinctive character of the darker side in human nature which causes the harmful consequences of a corrupt humanity. The communication strategies used by both poets are able to grasp the reader?s interest due to the fact that both poems have similar methods of word selection which is diction and are able to describe the psychological minds of aggressive behavior. The poem ?Leather-Jackets, Bikes and Birds? has sentences that describe the type of characteristics gang members have and illustrate their overall presence around others. For example when the poet writes, ?pretending they are looking for trouble demonstrates that the individuals of a gang gather not to enjoy themselves but to cause excitement among themselves for the wrong reasons. Another quote from the poem that describes the psychological mind of gang members is ?because you?ve got to be hard to be a leather-jacket this quote shows that gang members have a mind set that they must be tough, strong and overall powerful to gain their respect. Similarly, the poem ?Street Gang? the description of violence used and the defeat against law is well detailed by the actions caused by aggressive behavior. For example when the poet writes ?the law overthrown describes that the street gang members do not consider the law at hand and make a choic e based on their psychological mind structure and use forceful actions upon their victims. Furthermore, literary devices such as imaginary, alliteration, repetition, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, simile and parallel structure used in both poems displayed a greater understanding towards poetry and defined both as comparable poems. The poems ?Leather-Jackets, Bikes and Birds? and ?Street Gang? are not in rhyme and I believe both poets have formed the poems without rhyme because the tone of seriousness towards this issue was to be brought out to the reader?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Kent state Nutrition programme

Honors equivalents shall satisfy the Kent Core. None of the courses on the Kent Core list may be taken with a pass/fail grade. Visit www. Kent. Deed/catalog/Kent-core for course list. Diversity Course Requirement Students must complete a two-course diversity requirement, consisting of one with a domestic (U. S. ) focus and one with a global focus. One course must come from the Kent Core.The second course may be taken as a second Kent Core, within a major or minor, or as a general elective; or, with dean's approval, by completing one semester of study in another country. Visit www. Kent. Deed/catalog/diversity for course list. Writing-Intensive Course Requirement Students must complete a one-course writing-intensive requirement in their major and earn minimum C (2. 00) grade. Visit www. Kent. Deed/catalog/wick for course list.Experiential Learning Requirement To provide students with direct engagement in learning experiences that promote academic relevance, meaning and an understandin g of real-world issues, students must complete this requirement at Kent State, either as a for-credit course or as a non-credit, non-course experience approved by the appropriate faculty member. Visit www. Kent. Deed/catalog/leer for course list. Upper-Division Requirement Students must complete a minimum 39 upper-division (numbered 30000 to 49999) credit hours of coursework. Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences require a minimum of 42 hours of upper-division coursework.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Obsession with Celebrities

From Charlie Sheen to the Queen; we follow them, we love them. But has our obsession with celebrities gone too far? So ask yourself: why are we â€Å"infected† with this viral disease? Does celebrity worship syndrome affect us? What type of celebrity do we classify as a one we would follow? Why has the Twitter revolution changed our views of celebrities? And most importantly, who do we blame for our addictive behaviour? We must turn away from our celebrity driven life and be our own mind controllers. So why are we â€Å"infected† with this viral disease? Let us be honest with ourselves, we have all imagined what it would be like to be a celebrity; living someone else’s life. We were built and programmed to like what we think is â€Å"cool† or â€Å"attractive† which are also words we use to describe celebrities. We see them all the time in films, on television and in advertisements all around the world. We acknowledge them as if they were â€Å"perfect†. But this is not true, yes of course they look and act differently when they are in the public eye but they are not like that in private. We see this when the world’s best golfer; Tiger Woods cheats on his wife with 12 different women. This shows that they are not perfect as we imagined, but flawed like us. Celebrity worship syndrome or CWS is a scientifically proven obsessive-addictive disorder. It can affect anyone who is over-exposed to the media surrounding the lives of celebrities. Psychologists have indicated that there are three types of CWS. The first is â€Å"Entertainment-social†. This occurs when a group of people watch or speak about celebrities. The second CWS disorder is â€Å"Intense-personal†. This is shown when people share compulsive feelings about celebrities. The last CWS disorder is â€Å"Borderline-pathology†. How does all of this happen? It is more common for women to â€Å"copy† the image of celebrities. For example, regular women can see what the stars are wearing and often find tips on how to buy cheap knockoffs of their outfits. This concerns people who have little control of their behaviours and fantasies they have on the topic of celebrities. According to research conducted in the United Kingdom, there is a relation between celebrity worship syndrome and other mental disorder. This is a mildly-serious condition that can be reversed if professional help and advice is taken. Who do we find attractive and consider worth following? It's not surprising that gorgeous people wind up famous. What's less obvious is that famous people often wind up gorgeous: The more we see a certain face, the more our brain likes it, whether or not it's actually beautiful. Thanks to what is known as â€Å"the exposure effect,† says James Bailey, a psychologist at George Washington University, the pleasurable sensation that is set off when we see a certain celebrity â€Å"begins to create a neurochemical groove,† making her image easier for our brains to process. This begins to explain why Jennifer Aniston, not exactly a classic cover girl was again named one of People magazine's 50 â€Å"most beautiful† in the world this year. Twitter, a world wide phenomenon. But why and how has the revolution of Twitter changed our views of celebrities? Before Twitter existed, all we had to connect with celebrities were magazines and television. But now celebrities have found a new way to communicate with us. Through Twitter, they can tell us what it is that they are currently doing and share their personal thoughts on anything. For example, Justin Bieber tweeted ‘Come home to me is such a great song. I thought I would do a little something with it. ’ But there have been studies which suggest that celebrities who do not use Twitter have a higher chance of prolonging their careers. In my opinion, this would be a fair statement because celebrities who do not use Twitter will live a more private life under less stress and so find it easier to keep their career going for as long as possible. Celebrities like Katy Perry who does not use Twitter has more privacy and less stress unlike those who constantly use Twitter like Justin Bieber are likely to experience an invasion of privacy. If we all were asked: who do we blame for being so attached to celebrities? We would all blame the media for publicizing the lives of the famous. But what we are not realizing is that we only have ourselves to blame for this behaviour. We push the media for more information which we then indulge ourselves in. We see this all the time when people contact news agencies and press aggressively for as much information as they could possible get. It has also been suggested by many that celebrities that are getting rich and famous forfeit their right to privacy. This could potentially be a disastrous decision that the celebrities make as they most certainly will lose their privacy and spend the rest of their lives under constant pressure from the media and the general public. Can we change our lives and turn away from the distractions of celebrities? A short answer would be yes. It is definitely unnecessary to follow the lives of the rich and famous so closely. If we get too addicted to celebrities, we need to seek help and refrain from this. Celebrity worship syndrome is a serious mental condition that we can treat as long as we are ready to reduce the amount of information about the celebrities we get. What we do not realize is that there is no one else more attractive than us on the inside. We need to realize that using Twitter will only aggravate us to ask for more about celebrities. Most importantly, we must stop blaming the media and blame ourselves instead for our addiction to celebrities. We will find that living without the influence of celebrities hard at first whenever we choose to stop following them but the end result will be rewarding.

Born-Haber Process Lab

Chemistry Lab: Haber’s Process (A Computer Simulation) Cherno Okafor Mr. Huang SCH4U7 October 8th, 2012 Introduction The Haber process is the process by which ammonia (NH3) is produced. The equation for this reaction is†¦ The symbol shown in the middle means it is a reversible reaction so the product can decompose back into the reactants. Therefore, optimum conditions must be selected to get the greatest yield. When the forward and backward reactions are the same, it is said to be in a state of dynamic equilibrium.The position of this dynamic equilibrium can be moved forward by changing the conditions the reaction is done in. This follows Le Chatelier’s Principle which says changes to a system in equilibrium will move it in an opposite direction. Condition (Dependent Variables)| Effect (Independent Variables)-Yield, Equilibrium Time, Net Profit| Pressure| Increasing this will improve the yield because the forward reaction reduces pressure. However, putting up the p ressure too far is impractical and becomes too expensive. Temperature| A higher yield can be obtained by using a low temperature since the forward reaction produces heat, but this also will make the reaction slower, and less profitable. | Catalyst| The Haber process makes use of catalysts like iron, tungsten, and platinum to speed up the reaction, however this does not improve the yield. | Note: The conditions of the Haber process must be finely balanced to reach a combination of highest yield and fastest reaction, this is very important because getting this right will make sure this industrial process is as profitable as possible.Data Collection and Processing (Raw Data): Variables| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Results (No Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 658| 660| 663| 677| 680| Pressure (Atm. )| 464| 482| 510| 658| 694| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 16| 10. 17| 10. 17| 10. 15| 10. 15| Yield (%) | 15. 8| 16. 3| 17. 1| 21. 2| 22. 2| Amount ($) per day| 36,454. 36| 36,413. 56 | 36,380. 36 | 36, 361. 71| 36,321. 0| RESULTS: * After this first trial using no catalysts, it is evident that the equilibrium time is extremely slow and unfortunately, only produces a small yield yet with a large amount of net profit per day. * Another thing was the temperature. The net profit and yield seemed to be at its highest when the temperatures were set at around the 600-700 °C range. With an extremely low temperature though, the time to equilibrate was close to a million years, so temperature had to be fairly high * In terms of the pressure, it had to be between the 400-700 Atm. ange (not too high so that it would yield a high cost and not too low so that it would yield a low percentage and net profit) but just in the middle * I wanted to find balance in my profit and yield, so with no catalyst, I adjusted the bars so that the temperature value was fairly close to the pressure value and the results were a greater net profit, with a reasonable equilibrium time of reaction Variables| Results (With Iron Catalyst) | Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Results (With Iron Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 468| 475| 472| 473| 479| Pressure (Atm. | 721| 881| 809| 832| 989| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 18| 10. 16| 10. 17| 10. 16| 10. 18| Yield (%) | 58. 8| 63. 9| 61. 7| 62. 4| 66. 9| Amount ($) per day| 33, 793. 48| 33, 909. 39| 33, 805. 15| 33,893. 81| 33, 753. 80| RESULTS: * After this second trial, I used the catalyst of iron. Iron was by far the most profitable catalyst to use as it was not that expensive as the others (Tungsten and Platinum), and it produced a high yield with a pretty high amount as well * In terms of the temperature, it was a very typical 400-500 °C range which is also a very high temperature and the yield of ammonia would be high and my net profit as well. For pressure, I increased its value to the 700-900atm range and th is in conjunction with my high temperature range produced the best results as I produced high yields from 50-70% with the exact same time frame it took for the non-catalyst reaction to equilibrate * So obviously with the addition of the iron catalyst, I did not have to take more or less time for the equilibrium reaction to take place, I instead produced a higher yield of ammonia with a fairly large net profit, which was my goal in the first place Variables| Results (With Tungsten Catalyst)| Results (With Tungsten Catalyst)| Temperature ( °C)| 429| 435|Pressure (Atm. )| 346| 418| Time to Equilibrate (Min)| 10. 46| 10. 16| Yield (%) | 50. 4| 49. 9| Amount ($) per day| 19, 506. 24| 19, 495. 86| RESULTS: * Finally, for this last third trial, I used Tungsten catalyst. This Tungsten catalyst was not as efficient as the iron catalyst, and it also cost more. * In terms of temperature, the 400-450 °C range which was average because increasing the temperature would have created more econo mic problems such as higher costs of energy/production, etc. With iron, it was fairly easy to play around with the temperature, but for Tungsten it was more challenging. I also had to lower the pressures, but not too low so that the equilibrium time would be slow, but not too high either so that I would be losing a lot of profit because of the economic costs * As a result, this adjustments yielded only a little less than what I yielded with iron, however still a fairly high yield. The only decrease was in the net profit, because of the expenses of Tungsten. * The Temperature-Equilibrium Considerations: * One must shift the position of the equilibrium as far as possible to the right in order to produce the maximum possible amount of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture.The forward reaction of the production of ammonia is exothermic. Therefore according to Le Chatelier’s Principle, this will be favoured if one lowers the temperature. The system will respond by moving the position of equilibrium to counteract this-producing more heat. In order to get as much ammonia as possible in the equilibrium mixture, one needs as low a temperature as possible. * The Temperature-Rate Considerations: * The lower the temperature one uses, the slower the reaction becomes. In this case though as a manufacturer, I am trying to produce as much ammonia as possible per day.It makes no sense to try and achieve an equilibrium mixture which contains a very high proportion of ammonia if it takes several years for the reaction to reach that equilibrium. Therefore, one needs the gases to reach equilibrium within the very short time that they will be in contact with the catalyst (or without) in the reactor. * During my experiment lab, I noticed that the temperature range of 400-700 °C is a compromise temperature, producing a reasonably high proportion of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture, but also in a very short time. * The Pressure-Equilibrium Considerations:There are only 4 molec ules on the left-hand side of the equation, but only 2 on the right. According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, if you increase the pressure the system will respond by favouring the reaction which produces fewer molecules. That will cause the pressure to fall again. In order to get as much ammonia as possible in the equilibrium mixture, one needs as high a pressure as possible. * The Pressure-Rate Considerations: * Increasing the pressure brings the molecules closer together. In this particular instance, it will increase their chances of hitting and sticking to the surface of the catalyst where they can react.The higher the pressure, the better in terms of the rate of a gas reaction. * Economic Considerations: * Very high pressures are extremely expensive to produce on two accounts: * One has to build extremely strong pipes to withstand the very high pressure. * Also, high pressures cost a lot to produce and even maintain. That means that the running costs of your manufacture are very high for you. * During my lab, I noticed that 200 atm is a reasonable choice of pressure. If the pressure used is too high however, the cost of generating it exceeds the price you can get for the extra ammonia produced. The Catalyst-Equilibrium Considerations: * The Catalyst actually has no affect whatsoever on the position of the equilibrium. Adding a catalyst does not produce any greater percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture. Its only function is to speed up the reaction. * The Catalyst-Rate Considerations: * In the absence of a catalyst, the reaction is so slow that virtually no reaction happens in any sensible time. The catalyst ensures that the reaction is fast enough for a dynamic equilibrium to be set up within the very short time that the gases are actually in the reactor.Conclusion: To sum up, the objective of this computer simulation lab was to produce a high yield of ammonia with as high a net profit as possible, while considering the economic factors suc h as energy cost, and production cost, and even catalyst costs. It turned out that I was prohibited from using platinum as a catalyst because it was too expensive. Out of the remaining catalysts: Iron, and Tungsten, Iron was the most efficient and profitable one as it is less expensive and yielded a great amount of ammonia while I was able to make a large profit as well.The Tungsten catalyst did yield a fairly high amount of ammonia, however not a very high net profit was made from it and this is again due to the economic implications of energy and production as mentioned. When I did not use any catalysts, the problem was that the time to equilibrate the reactions was atrocious, and very slow. With the criteria â€Å"highest yield and fastest reaction† in mind, the most optimal combination to produce ammonia was the 400-500 °C (479 °C) temperature range, with the 900-1000 Atm range (989atm). and along with the iron catalyst produced 66. % of ammonia, and at least $33, 000 in net profit. I chose this result as the best one because of the balance of the dependent variables of time, yield, and net profit. I could not find my way up to at least $34, 000 or above in net profit with the iron catalyst. I only managed to exceed that profit when I did not use any catalysts, but again the reaction time is way too slow and hence senseless. I probably could have kept on going to gradually adjust the temperature and pressure one by one to look for an even higher yield and net profit, but time is an issue and I would have to sit for a long time doing this.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East Essay - 1

Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East - Essay Example The effects of the Cold War on the socio-political affairs in the Middle East were very diverse and discursive in nature due to a number of economic, historical, political and religious causes such the Arab-Israel antagonism, the overt anti-religious nature of Communism, the vast reserve of furnace oil in the Middle Eastern countries, the non-democratic and most likely monarchic political systems in those countries during the Cold War and Islam as the religion of the majority of the people in the Middle East. Since most of the political governments of the Middle East were non-democratic and, to a great extent, monarchic after the Second World War up to 2000, the then rulers were forced to take shelter either in the US block or the Soviet in order to survive in the countries’ power with the support of any of the two superpowers. Also due to the vast reserve of oil, the Middle Eastern countries were strategically important for both of the superpowers. Therefore, the rulers of th ese countries needed backings of any of these two superpowers against the expansionist invasions of the others. Before the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the Arab countries were more or less neutral, though because of being geographically close to the Soviet Union and the overt US support for Israel in this region, the countries were more influenced by the Soviet Leaders. Because of the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the countries were alarmed; they began to feel the threat from the Soviet Union’s aggressive nature.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business law - Research Paper Example The policies formulated must be taken into consideration for implementation purposes. Due to dispute that may arise either from the residents of United Arab Emirates or investors from other countries, ADNOC is a company which is committed to ensuring that sustainable development or equal share between individuals and the earth is achieved. Due to this fact, it has made the company to be competitive and thus it has substantial business transactions by either transporting, shipping oil to other countries, marketing oil and distributing. The demand of oil from non producing countries has made United Arab Emirates to expand and develop other gas fields. Due to this expansion Abu Dhabi National Oil Company has 14 companies for distributing oil, gas and other crude oil. This paper seeks to discuss and examine the means of dispute resolution used by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in United Arab Emirates. United Arab Emirates is a country that is known for foreign investments and thus the country does not have domestic laws which protect those individual who invest in the country. Treaties are normally used in United Arab Emirates though there is need to come up with investment protection and legal means which are used when there is an investment opportunity. The Great Britain was the one which granted emirates free from protectorate laws in 1939 to 1953. During this entire period the law to govern the Emirates of Abu Dhabi was not documented and thus no legislative or administrative means could be used to cancel any business operation that was being carried by the investors. In 1960s agreements between Abu Dhabi and other international oil companies were written requiring the applicable law to be used while carrying business transactions either abroad or locally. The agreements which were signed out contained force of law and thus incase of breaking it then one was answerable to the law. The

Sunday, October 6, 2019

International intervention and Pathways to Peace in Kashmir Essay

International intervention and Pathways to Peace in Kashmir - Essay Example In 1947, the British dominion of India came to an end with the creation of two new nations. Each of the 565 Indian princely states had to decide which of the two new nations to join, India or Pakistan. Jammu and Kashmir, which had a predominantly Muslim population and a Hindu ruler, was the largest of these autonomous states and bordered both modern countries. Its ruler was the Hari Singh. Hari Singh preferred to remain independent and sought to avoid the stress placed on him by either India and Pakistan by playing each against the other. But under pressure he decided to accede to India which created this dispute. The Indian claim centers on the agreement between the Maharaja Hari Singh, Jawahar Lal Nehru and Lord Mountbatten according to which the erstwhile Kingdom of Jammu and Kashmir became an integral part of India through the instrument of accession. Even though more than 80% of India's population practices Hinduism, the President of India, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, is a Muslim while the leader of the ruling Congress Party is a Catholic. Indians also maintain that Kashmiris would be better off in India because they claim that Muslims are better off in India than in any other non-Muslim nation. India says Kashmir its integral part on the basis of following reasons: 2. 1. For a UN Resolution subscribing Plebiscite monitored by any third neutral party, Pakistan should first vacate its part of Kashmir. 2. India does not accept the Two Nation Theory that forms the basis of Pakistan, rather India says that majority is authority and any nation in India can get power through democratic institutions, hence there is no need of plebscite. 3. The state of Jammu and Kashmir is made autonomous by the article 370 of the Constitution of India. 4. India alleges that most of the terrorists operating in Kashmir are themselves Pakistanis from Pakistan administered Kashmir and that Pakistan has been involved in State sponsored terrorism. First Pakistan should control that cross border terrorism then India would go towards any acceptable solution of the dispute. 5. India regard Pakistan's claim to Kashmir based largely on religion alone to be no longer correct because now India has more muslims than Pakistan. Pakistani view Historically, the Pakistani claim on Kashmir has been based on the fact that the majority of Kashmir population is Muslim and, if given the option, most Kashmiris would vote to join Pakistan or seek independence. Since 1951, Pakistan has been demanding India to hold a plebiscite in Kashmir as agreed by both nations in 1951 at UNO forum. Pakistan claims that Kashmiris took a violent path to independence only when they became hopeless and disillusioned about their future in the late 1980s. Pakistan claims that India is now using excessive state forces to suppress the freedom struggle of Kashmiris and in doing so, is causing severe human rights violations in the disputed territory of Indian occupied Kashmir (Peter 2006). This is also documented by several human rights groups. Pakistan further claims that: 1. According to the two-nation theory by which Pakistan was formed, originally Kashmir should have been with Pakistan, because it has a absolute Muslim majority. Pakistan believes that given a choice, almost all Kashmiris will vote. 2. India has shown disregard to the resolutions of the UN, by not holding a

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Constitution - Essay Example The English dictionary sees the meaning of the phrase to fall within the periphery of all those statutory protocol and social efforts that have concern to the matters of public. As such, health is just one of the aspects that fall within the phrase. Individuals such as James Madison also note that the limits of the phrase also seems infinite, considering the congress has the same authority but in a different capacity which is taxation by the federal government and the spending of the same. In the case Ferrocarril Central Argentino c/Provincia de Santa Fe, 569 held in Argentina, the court noted that the existence of the term in the US constitution is an affirmation of the authority that accrues to the federal government through its taxation and spending. In the case of a state such as Alaska, the existence of the phrase not only does imply public health, but it goes further to note that the phrase implies promoting and protecting public

Friday, October 4, 2019

The process of blacks in the Diaspora (Gambia) Religious Culture Research Paper

The process of blacks in the Diaspora (Gambia) Religious Culture - Research Paper Example Ghana sported thirty six out of the total forty two slave fortresses. In addition to Ghana, another eight African locations were utilised for shipping slaves. These included Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Bight of Benin, Bight of Biafra, Gold Coast, South East Africa, Central Africa and Senegambia. (Brown, 2000) The brunt of the slave trade was mostly borne by central and west Africa. West Africa alone contributed around three fifths of the total slave populations supplied. It is estimated that one half of slaves were exported to South America while 42% went to the Caribbean, 7% to North America and 2% went to Central America. The subsequent influence of these exported slaves was instrumental for culture in these regions. The focus of this text is to trace the religious influences of African slaves from the Senegambia region. African Americans were faced with two challenges. On the one hand they were trying to establish an independent identity and on the other hand they were cre ating various religious traditions. These religious traditions can be approximated in three articulate movements. The first stream represented results of the initial African contact with Christianity from Europe. The emerging religion was more African in character both liturgically and theologically. The second stream represented an extension of the first stream whereby religious practices developed in Africa migrated to the Americas. Though these beliefs and practices were modified in the Americas but the predominant influence remained African which aided in this stream being distinct. The third and final stream saw the amalgamation of borrowed ideals and concepts from Islam, Christianity and Judaism. These faiths and their concepts were woven as a novel fabric with visions of Africa as a historical power and in some instances as a future destination. These streams are discussed below to promote an understanding of religious influences under Diaspora. The first stream represented C hristian influences permeating into Africans often in direct proportion to the social class in question. The higher classes had lowest African influence and greatest Christian influence and vice versa. Traditional practices of hoodoo and voodoo as well as other derivatives of primitive West and West Central African religions crept into the newly adopted Christian faith. This was all the more apparent in the American South. Religious services saw the use of songs and dancing as well as the possession by the Holy Ghost during these services. Similarly the Caribbean witnessed Christianity imbued with overwhelming African content. This hybrid religion was connected with obeah, the use of supernatural powers to cause harms to others and to myalism, the use of herbs and spiritual resources in order to combat witchcraft and evil spells. Alternatively the religions of convince and kumina also took root. Convince involved respect for the Christian diety along with an active veneration of anc estors by spiritual healers known better as Bongo men. In a similar manner, kumina held ancestors in great veneration and ranked them after the sky gods and earthly deities. In contrast to the above, the second stream was more prominently experienced in Cuba and Brazil where reinvented African religion was the centre of religious attention. The various ethnic kinds of African slaves that were brought to Brazil maintained distinct identities by sticking to

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Human Reproductive System Essay Example for Free

The Human Reproductive System Essay The human reproductive system requires both the female and male to procreate. Although the reproductive organs will function separately, they will not create another human being without each other. The Male Sperm   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The male reproductive system is more external than the female. Sperm must be created to fertilize the female’s egg and this is done in the testes or testicles of the male. Sperm are mobile cells that contain the male’s chromosomes, to be passed on the offspring. There are hundreds of thousands of sperm produced during a male’s lifetime, all of which have the potential to fertilize an egg. Sperm die off and are recreated at the rate of 1% day and sperm that are released from the body live only a few hours. Scrotum The testes are contained in a fleshy pouch known as the scrotum, which hangs outside the male body in the groin area. The testes themselves are actually over 850 feet of tiny tubing, curled into two balls inside the scrotum. It is in these tubes that the sperm are formed. The scrotum is a highly sensitive area. Normal body temperature will kill the sperm due to their sensitivity to high temperatures; this is why the scrotum lies outside the body rather than internally. In cold weather, the scrotum will pull the testicles closer to the body to maintain the proper temperature. Once formed the sperm must pass through into the epidiymis, which is a larger tube that stores the sperm and lets them mature until it is time to be ejaculated into the female. The epidiymis is encased in the scrotum along with the testes. Ducts   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the sperm is ready to be ejaculated it leaves the epidiymis and travels through the vasa deferentia. The vasa deferentia extend from the epidymis and go around the bladder in many different directions. The ends of the vasa deferentia are called ejaculatory ducts. These ducts are located behind the bladder and empty into the urethra. Before the sperm reach the urethra they must also travel through the seminal vesicles, which are also located behind the bladder. Accessory Glands   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The seminal vesicles are part of a group of accessory glands. The seminal vesicles add the semen that coats the sperm during ejaculation. The seminal fluid â€Å"contains mucus, amino acids, fructose as the main energy source for the sperm, and prostaglandins to stimulate female uterine contractions to move the semen up into the uterus.† (biology.clc.uc.ed, 2007)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inside the body, at the beginning of the urethra, is the prostate gland. The prostate gland is considered an accessory gland and is the largest of these glands. It secretes directly into the urethra and mixes with the seminal fluid. The secretions of the prostate gland are high in alkaline. Alkaline neutralizes the acid left by urine and produced by the female body. It protects the sperm as they make their way through the female to the egg.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hanging from the front of the abdominal cavity on the outside of the body, in front of the scrotum, is the penis. It is made from several cylinders of spongy, erectile tissue. When the male becomes sexually excited, the spongy tissue becomes filled with arterial blood and the veins, which allow this blood to drain off to other areas, seal off. This causes an erection, which is required for ejaculation. The erection is also required to be able to enter the female’s vagina and fertilize the egg. Running through the center of the penis is a hollow tube called the urethra. It allows semen or urine to be released from the body. The male reproductive system  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ The Female   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The female reproductive organs are internal and produce eggs rather than sperm. The eggs are produced in the ovaries, which are located on either side of the abdominal cavity. The â€Å"eggs† are not like chicken or other animal eggs but more like a collection of special cells. While a female has almost a half million eggs at birth, only about 500 will be released from the ovaries during the time that she is fertile and able to reproduce. Eggs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The eggs are formed with a process known as â€Å"meiosis†. This means that the egg only has half of the chromosomes needed to complete a new being. The process known as fertilization provides the other half of the needed chromosomes, thus giving the offspring half from each contributing parent. Of the hundreds of thousands of eggs a female is born with, only about 300 of these are ever released to be fertilized. Ovaries   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ovaries, located on either side of the abdominal wall, create the eggs that are released for fertilization. The ovaries are connected to the fallopian tubes and store the unused eggs as well.   Ovaries also produce the female hormone estrogen, which affects mood, weight and other aspects of the body. Fallopian Tubes From the ovaries are the fallopian tubes, which extend from the ovaries on each side and down into the females uterus. The fallopian tubes lead into the uterus where the fertilized egg will remain as it gestates. In the female human, hormones contribute to the egg being released into the fallopian tubes. This is normally limited to one egg per cycle. Ovulation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ovulation is the period when an egg matures and is released into the fallopian tubes. This is â€Å"due to the stimulation of leutenizing hormone (LH), which then stimulates the remaining follicle cells to turn into a corpus luteum which then secretes progesterone to prepare the uterus for possible implantation. If an egg is not fertilized and does not implant, the corpus luteum disintegrates and when it stops producing progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and is shed.† (biology.clc.uc.ed, 2007) Uterus   Ã‚  Ã‚   The uterus is located in the female abdominal cavity. It is lined with millions of cilia. These are tiny follicles that both attach the egg to the wall of the uterus and sweep the lining out when the egg disintegrates. At the end of the uterus is the cervix. The cervix has thick walls and a tiny opening leading into the vaginal canal. The cervix will open to pass the baby through when it is time for it to be born. Vaginal Canal   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The vaginal canal extends from the cervix to the outside opening of the female vagina. It allows the penis to be inserted to fertilize the egg, pass menstrual blood out of the body and allow a baby to pass from the body. The walls are highly elastic and will stretch to accommodate the baby’s head. The Vagina   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The vagina is the outer area of the female reproductive system. It contains the opening leading to the vaginal canal and a tiny opening located right above it. This is the urethra and it allows urine to pass from the body. Directly above the urethra is the clitoris. This is the female counterpart to the male penis and is also highly sensitive. Covering the openings is the vulva. This consists of inner and outer labia, which are folds of skin. The vulva becomes covered with body hair when the female matures. Fertilization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fertilization of the egg occurs when the sperm meet the egg at the far end of the fallopian tube. The sperm fertilize the egg, the egg implants itself into the lining of the uterus and a new human is created. The female reproductive system  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ References